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Dein Training.
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Your advantages

wger Workout Manager ist eine freie, Open Source Webanwendung die deine Übungen, Trainings- und Ernährungspläne verwaltet. Es ist mal als kleines Projekt von mir gestartet um meine wachsende Sammlung an Exceltabellen zu ersetzen, aber es ist zu etwas geworden, das andere auch nützlich finden könnten.


You can create and manage flexible workout routines for any goals you have. Select exactly which exercises you'll do and how many repetitions, time or distance you want to do them. You can also combine different workouts into a schedule.


Create your personal diet plan by creating as many meals with as many different ingredients as you need. The application will calculate the nutritional values (total energy, protein, carbohydrates, and so on) about the whole plan as well as the indivual meals.


Enter the weights and repetitions you did for each exercise to generate diagrams that let you see at a glance how well you are doing. The raw numbers are of course still accessible. Du kannst auch Notizen und einen allgemeinen Eindruck (gut, neutral, etc.) eingeben.


Among many others

  • Gewichtsmanager

    Keep track of your progress with the body weight chart. This makes it easy to see if you are reaching your goals or need to adjust something.

  • Kalender

    Get an overview of how and when you trained as well as how you personally felt you performed. Access all your individual diary entries with one click.

  • Übungsdatenbank

    The exercise database contains more than hundred exercises from which you can choose when creating a workout. You can view them by category and equipment used or muscles trained.

  • Studio management

    Use the application for your gym to manage its members, their workouts and attendance. You can manage the members' contracts, keep notes and upload any files you might need.


    wger provides a REST API with full read and write access to all data so you can integrate your own application and tools.

  • 100% Frei
    Open Source