-Laying on the back, lift your straightened legs from the ground at a 45 degree angle.
-As your Left foot travels downward and nearly touches the floor, your Right foot should seek to reach a 90 degree angle, or as close to one as possible.
-Bring your R foot down until it nearly touches the floor, and bring your L foot upwards. Maintain leg rigidity throughout the exercise. Your head should stay off the ground, supported by tightened upper abdominals.
-(L up R down, L down R up, x2) ^v, v^, ^v, v^ = 1 rep
-Primarily works the Rectus Abdominus, the hip flexors and the lower back. Secondarily works the Obliques. Emphasis placed on the lower quadrant of the abs.
Диаграмата показва най-натоварваните мускули при това упражнение.
- Obliquus externus abdominis
- Rectus abdominis