Barbell Ab Rollout
AbsBarbell Triceps Extension
ArmsBench Press
ChestBench press narrow grip
ArmsBent over rowing
НазадBent over rowing reverse
НазадBiceps curls with barbell
ArmsClose-grip bench press
НазадDecline Press Sit-Up
AbsDecline bench press barbell
ChestDeficit Deadlift
НазадFront Squats
LegsFront raises
ShouldersIncline Bench Press
ChestMilitary Press
ShouldersPause Bench
ChestPendelay rows
НазадRomanian Deadlift
LegsShoulder press, barbell
ShouldersShrugs, barbells
ShouldersSide raise
LegsStiff-legged deadlifts
LegsSuper Squat
Назадweighted step
Legsyolk walks
ShouldersBench Press
ChestBench press narrow grip
ArmsBenchpress dumbbells
ChestClose-grip bench press
AbsDecline Press Sit-Up
AbsDiagonal shoulder Press
ShouldersDips between two benches
ArmsFrench press (skullcrusher) SZ-bar
ArmsFrench press (skullcrusher) dumbbells
ArmsIncline Dumbbell Row
НазадPause Bench
ChestSeated Triceps Press
ArmsArnold Shoulder Press
ShouldersBenchpress dumbbells
ChestBent High Pulls
ShouldersBentover Dumbbell Rows
НазадBiceps curls with dumbbell
ArmsDecline bench press dumbbell
ChestDumbbell Concentration Curl
ArmsDumbbell Goblet squat
LegsDumbbell Incline Curl
ArmsDumbbell Side Bends
AbsDumbbell Split Squat
LegsDumbbell Triceps Extension
ArmsDumbbell lunges standing
LegsDumbbell lunges walking
LegsFly with dumbbells
ChestFly with dumbbells, decline bench
ChestFrench press (skullcrusher) dumbbells
ArmsFront raises
ArmsIncline Dumbbell Row
НазадIncline dumbbell flye
ChestIncline dumbbell press
ChestLateral raises
ShouldersLateral-to-Front Raises
ShouldersLying rotator cuff exercise
ShouldersRear Delt Raises
ShouldersSeated Triceps Press
ArmsShoulder press, dumbbells
ShouldersShrugs, dumbbells
ShouldersSide dumbbell trunk flexion
НазадSingle-arm preacher curl
ArmsTricep Dumbbell Kickback
ArmsTurkish Get-Up
AbsUpright Row w/ Dumbbells
Shouldersaxe hold
Armsduck walks
Armsfarmers walks
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