
Stand firmly, with your feet slightly more than shoulder wide apart. Stand directly behind the bar where it should barely touch your shin, your feet pointing a bit out. Bend down with a straight back, the knees also pointing somewhat out. Grab the bar with a shoulder wide grip, one underhand, one reverse grip.

Pull the weight up. At the highest point make a slight hollow back and pull the bar back. Hold 1 or 2 seconds that position. Go down, making sure the back is not bent. Once down you can either go back again as soon as the weights touch the floor, or make a pause, depending on the weight.

Kommentare für diese Übung:
  • Don't arch your back!

Das Diagramm zeigt die meistbeanspruchten Muskeln

  • Quadriceps femoris
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Gluteus maximus

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