wger Workout Manager provides a full REST API to all database objects: https://wger.de/api/v2/


Public endpoints, such as the list of exercises or the ingredients can be accessed without authentication. For user owned objects such as workouts, you need to generate an API KEY and pass it in the header, see the link on the sidebar for details.

You should always use HTTPS if possible when communicating with the server.

Public endpoints

  • daysofweek
  • equipment
  • exercise
  • exerciseinfo
  • exercisecategory
  • exercisecomment
  • exerciseimage
  • ingredient
  • ingredienttoweightunit
  • language
  • license
  • muscle
  • weightunit
  • setting-repetitionunit
  • setting-weightunit

Private endpoints

  • day
  • meal
  • mealitem
  • nutritionplan
  • schedule
  • schedulestep
  • set
  • setting
  • userprofile
  • weightentry
  • workout
  • workoutlog

Format negotiation

At the moment only JSON and the browsable HTML view are supported, but other formats such as YAML or XML could be theoretically be added, should the need arise. Because of this, for the majority of REST clients it will not be necessary to explicitly set the format, but you have the following options:

  • Set the Accept header:
    • application/json
    • application/json; indent=4 - useful for debugging, will indent the result
    • text/html - browsable HTML view
  • Set the format directly in the URL:
    • /api/v2/<endpoint>.json/
    • /api/v2/<endpoint>/?format=json
    • /api/v2/<endpoint>.api/ - browsable HTML view

Fetching Data

# Api-Wide

# Object detail view

This lists out all the different resources available. If you visit the link with a browser, you'll get a human-browsable HTML version of the contents. If you are logged in, you can use the built in form to try different requests (POST, PATCH, etc.)

You can do a OPTIONS /api/v2/<endpoint>/ to get more information on the endpoint such as the accepted formats. It also outputs a listing with all the resource's fields, their type (date, int, etc.) and a short description. This is more easier done when using the browseable version.

Miscellaneous operations


Simply use ?ordering=<fieldname> to order by that field. You can also specify more than one field name, just give it a list separated by commas ?ordering=<field1>,<field2>. To reverse the order use like in django a - in front of the field.


By default all results are paginated by 20 elements per page. If you want to change this value, add a ?limit=<xxx> to your query. You will find in the answer JSON the next and previous keywords with links to the next or previous result pages.

Filtering resources

You can easily filter all resources by specifying the filter queries in the URL: ?<fieldname>=<value>, combinations are possible, the filters will be AND-joined: ?<f1>=<v1>&<f2>=<v2>. Please note that for boolean values you must pass 'False' or 'True' other values, e.g. 1, 0, false, etc. will be ignored. Like with not filtered queries, your objects will be available under the 'results' key.

Note that it is not currently possible to specify more than one value, e.g. category 1 or 2.

Some examples:

  • All exercises in German: api/v2/exercise/?language=1
  • 'Main' image for all exercises: api/v2/exerciseimage/?is_main=True
  • Exercises that train the biceps with barbells: api/v2/exercise/?muscles=1&equipment=3

Submitting exercise images

If you want to submit exercise pictures, remember that you have to set the correct header Content-Type: multipart/form-data, otherwise the file upload won't work.


When accessing exercises, consider that by default all exercises are returned, including those submitted by users but not yed approved. You will very probably want to add a &status=2 to your URL to only get the ones already added to the database.

Also note that, at the moment, to actually retrieve all the details for an exercise you will need to fire up different queries for the images, comments, etc.

Special endpoints

The following endpoints provide additional information, comfort functions, etc.:

This is a complete representation of a workout, including all objects like workout days, exercises, etc. This form used by the django application to render workouts or perform other operations. The data is cached so, accessing or using is faster than performing many different requests.
Returns a list of available thumbnails for this image. The 'settings' key refers to the settings used by the thumbnailing application to generate that image. The special key 'original' is simply a downloadable link to the original image used.
A convenience function that returns all the information about an exercise, including, muscles, equipment, etc. This can be used to avoid having to call the other endpoints individually.
Returns the total nutritional values for a nutritional plan, a meal or an individual meal item. The nutritional plan lists this under the 'total' key, the other two return a flat list. The nutritional plan also returns under the 'per_kg' key the calculated values of grams per user body weight (if available) and 'percent' lists the percent each macronutrient contributes to the total calories.

Data documentation

The data structures should be pretty forward and easy to understand: a workout is composed of workout days. Each day has different exercises they in turn have repetitions, and so on. These diagrams are automatically generated from the database structure, which is basically exposed through the API 1-to-1. Click on the images to download a bigger version.


You can play and experiment with the API by sending the requests with many tools, here are two:

# In the terminal, e.g. bash
curl -H "Authorization: Token 123456..." \
     -H "Accept: application/json; indent=4" \
     -X PATCH --data '{"key": value, ...}' \
     --dump-header -
# In the python console
>>> import requests
>>> import json
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> url = 'https://wger.de/api/v2/....'
>>> data = '{"key": "value"}'
>>> headers = {'Accept': 'application/json',
               'Authorization': 'Token 12345...'}
>>> r = requests.patch(url=url, data=data, headers=headers)
>>> r
>>> r.content
>>> pprint(json.loads(r.content))


Deprecation warning

The first API supported only read operations. Due to different reasons it is being deprecated and should not be used anymore, it will be deactivated on June 2015.

This is also new for us, if you plan on using the API, we'd love to hear from you.

Browse the API

Generate API KEY