
Hold two dumbbells and sit on a bench with a straight back, the shoulders are slightly rolled backwards. Your pals point to your body. Bend the arms and bring the weight up with a fast movement. Don't rotate your hands, as with the curls. Without any pause bring the dumbbell down with a slow, controlled movement.

Don't swing your body during the exercise, the biceps should do all the work here. The elbows are at your side and don't move.

Kommentarer for denne øvelsen:
  • Keep the elbows right next to the body and don't move them

Diagrammet viser de mest brukte musklene i denne øvelsen

Viktigste musklene
Sekundære muskler
  • Biceps brachii

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Dette innholdet er tilgjengelig under følgende lisens: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3 (CC-BY-SA 3) – wger.de
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