
The execution of this exercise is very similar to the regular bent over rowing, only that the bar is fixed here.

Grab the barbell with a wide grip (slightly more than shoulder wide) and lean forward. Your upper body is not quite parallel to the floor, but forms a slight angle. The chest's out during the whole exercise. Pull now the barbell with a fast movement towards your belly button, not further up. Go slowly down to the initial position. Don't swing with your body and keep your arms next to your body.

Comentarios para este ejercicio:
  • Don't arch your back!
  • Go somewhat down in your knees and pull back

El diagrama muestra los músculos más usados en este ejercicio

Músculos principales
Músculos secundarios
  • Anterior deltoid
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachialis
  • Latissimus dorsi

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