Спортивное оборудование:

Hold two barbells, the arms are streched, the hands are on your side, the palms face inwards. Bend the arms and bring the weight with a fast movement up. At the same time, rotate your arms by 90 degrees at the very beginning of the movement. At the highest point, rotate a little the weights further outwards. Without a pause, bring them down, slowly.

Don't allow your body to swing during the exercise, all work is done by the biceps, which are the only mucles that should move (pay attention to the elbows).

Комментарии к этому упражнению:
  • Fluid movements with no pauses at the top or the bottom

Диаграмма показывает самые используемые мышцы в этом упражнении

Основные мышцы
Второстепенные мышцы
  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachialis

Свободная лицензия

Это контент доступен в рамках следующей лицензии: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3 (CC-BY-SA 3) – wger.de
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